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Jessica Beck

Jessica Beck
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Books: 11 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.86

Books by Jessica Beck


Glazed Murder (2010)

I didn't have high expectations for this book. I picked it up mainly because I just wanted something fun to read that wasn't for school. It was fairly predictable and Suzanne was often annoying in her persistence in trying to solve the murder. Her logic for snooping didn't make sense (if she does...

Glazed Murder (2010) by Jessica Beck

Fatally Frosted (2010)

Average cozy fare here. Nothing spectacular, but not awful either. I did find the author had a tendency to be a bit repetitive with some details which was slightly annoying. Especially since they were not really of any importance. I'm not likely to buy the books at full Kindle price, but will lik...

Fatally Frosted (2010) by Jessica Beck

Sinister Sprinkles (2010)

Finally, a cozy mystery with decent characters and a good plot! I liked that the donut shop was present but not the main focal point of the series. I also really like that I was able to jump in on the third book in the series and know what is going on, especially since I had bought the third in t...

Sinister Sprinkles (2010) by Jessica Beck

Tragic Toppings (2011)

Suzanne Hart owns a donut shop. She works hard. Her assistant Emma works as hard. She has a friend named Grace. In this volume of donut shop mysteries, Grace and Suzanne have to investigate two missing people. One Emily who runs a convenience store and Tim the handyman in town. George a ret...

Tragic Toppings (2011) by Jessica Beck

Evil Eclairs (2011)

Evil Eclairs is the fourth in the Donut Shop Mystery series that I am thoroughly enjoying despite myself. I am one of the terrible people donut shop owner Suzanne Hart would not want to deal with in that I really don’t like donuts. It says a lot about the quality of the series that I can enjoy ...

Evil Eclairs (2011) by Jessica Beck

Killer Crullers (2012)

For a short while, I had the idea that this series would be decent all the way through. But though these books are mostly awful, I can't stop reading them. Or rather, I can keep reading them. That counts. There are so many respected books that I've tried reading and were unreadable. I don't know ...

Killer Crullers (2012) by Jessica Beck

Drop Dead Chocolate (2012)

This was a great addition to the Donut Shop mysteries. Suzanne's mom is running for mayor. Then the mayor is found dead in Suzanne's mom's building. Who did it? Suzanne, Grace, and George play detective to solve the murder. Jake is on the scene but since Suzanne's mom is a suspect he has to avoi...

Drop Dead Chocolate (2012) by Jessica Beck

Powdered Peril (2012)

This edition of the Donut Shop Mysteries won’t disappoint. Suzanne’s and her friend Grace investigate the murder of Grace’s boyfriend.Don’t worry; tears will be optional because Peter turns out to be a real player. Who wasn’t he sleeping with? Suzanne and Grace get into a few jams investigation a...

Powdered Peril (2012) by Jessica Beck

A Chili Death (2012)

It started out wonderful, but the further I got into the story, I couldtell that the writer was running out of material. There were also someglaring mistakes in the book. For example, Victoria is talking to Mooseand she grabs her jacket. She continues talking to him and grabs her jacketagain. (Sh...

A Chili Death (2012) by Jessica Beck

Assault and Batter (2013)

I would rate this book a 2.5 (I still haven't figured out how to rate a half-star on GoodReads).While a cozy donut shop mystery is always a pleasant diversion, Jessica Beck's books are simply too predictable to hold my interest. I find my mind wandering while I am reading her books. However, si...

Assault and Batter (2013) by Jessica Beck

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