Title: Just One Drop (Grey Wolves Series #3), Author: Quinn Loftis
Title: I Just Dropped by to Say Hello, Artist: Johnny Hartman
Title: Bound by Earth: The Nature Hunters Academy Series, Book 1, Author: Quinn Loftis
Title: The Grey Wolves Series Collection Books 1-3: Prince of Wolves, Blood Rites, Just One Drop, Author: Quinn Loftis
Title: Just One Drop (Grey Wolves Series #3), Author: Quinn Lofits
Title: I Don't Drop Names like Marilyn Monroe Just to Sell Books: A memoir by Richard Baer, Author: Richard Baer
Title: Me, him and the IRS: I don't know if this book will sell, I don't even know if I would end up being punished somehow by the IRS, what I do know, is that just by writing this book, I felt like I had dropped a big load off my shoulders., Author: Lizzie Edenfield