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Free books: Poetry


Endangered (2012)

Synopsis: Sophie is a spunky, honest and intelligent fourteen year-old. She is biracial, with an Italian American father and Congolese mother, who are divorced. Though in high school in the US, she spends her summers at her mother’s bonobo sanctuary just outside Kinshasa, trying to bond with her ...

Endangered (2012) by Eliot Schrefer

Making Hope Happen: Create the Future You Want for Yourself and Others (2013)

I take away from this book three important messages. 1. Hope is the key driver for a successful life. In other words, our foresight motivates our present action. 2. Hope encompasses three integral parts: goals, agency and pathways. 3. Great people lead by hope.As Lopez points out, hope is one of ...

Making Hope Happen: Create the Future You Want for Yourself and Others (2013) by Shane J. Lopez