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Charles Burns

Charles Burns
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Books by Charles Burns


Tóxico (2011)

The artwork is very nice, so is the suspense, the sense of something approaching. The Tintin allusions are also very nice, especially with the whole setting be so unsettling and alltogether unsavoury. After reading these 56 pages however, one can't help but thinking things have hardly begun. It's...

Tóxico (2011) by Charles Burns

X'ed Out (2010)

X'ed out is the unraveling of a young man's psychosis - as you read further into the book you begin to understand where his addiction to prescription medication has come from. I love Burns' trippy narrative style which merges emotional and psychological problems with supernatural and often bizarr...

X'ed Out (2010) by Charles Burns

La colmena (2013)

This is the second volume after X-Ed Out.I'm not exactly what is going on in the story here.And do you know what? It doesn't even matter.Charles Burns is such an amazing artist and storyteller that if the odd ends of this story never tie together, I'd still say this is one of the best comic book...

La colmena (2013) by Charles Burns

De korf (2012)

Burns is crafting a stunning trilogy. This middle volume continues to add layer after subconscious, surreal layer to a narrative that seems to exert a gravitational force--with each turn of the page one is sucked further and further into this world of dark fantasy and desire. It seems impossible ...

De korf (2012) by Charles Burns

Sugar Skull (2014)

The X'ed Out trilogy packs a lot of punch in very small packages. This morning I reread the first two books before reading Sugar Skull and they really are brilliant. They layer story on story in a way that is genius and cinematic. Most people run into something weird and they think of David Ly...

Sugar Skull (2014) by Charles Burns

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