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Chuck Palahniuk

Chuck Palahniuk
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Books: 11 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.74

Books by Chuck Palahniuk


Invisible Monsters Remix (1999)

The story is told by a nameless narrator: a young woman who used to be beautiful. After a series of bizarre, haunting events involving a freeway, birds and a few other things those days are gone forever. Her face disfigured, her voice gone, the narrator is invisible and a monster in the eyes of m...

Invisible Monsters Remix (1999) by Chuck Palahniuk

Burnt Tongues (2014)

Far more hits than misses in this collection of "transgressive" short fiction, which contains some very compelling stories and noteworthy new voices. It all runs very dark and subversive, hence the "transgressive" label. The editors, Chuck Palahniuk, Richard Thomas and Dennis Widmyer, have done...

Burnt Tongues (2014) by Chuck Palahniuk

Non-Fiction (2015)

Lonely PersonAll my books are about a lonely person looking for some way to connect with other peopleThe dream is a big house, off alone somewhereHow you write a novelYou plan and research. You spend time alone, building this lovely world where you control, control, control everythingYou stay in ...

Non-Fiction (2015) by Chuck Palahniuk

Fight Club (2005)

Well, now I reckon y'all have seen the movie, so there's probably not a whole lot that you need to know about this book.You know Tyler Durden.He's the Id, the unchained spirit that wants what he wants and he wants it now. He's the voice in your head that tells you that everything is worthless, th...

Fight Club (2005) by Chuck Palahniuk

Choke (2002)

If you pick this book up, don't even bother looking at the back cover, what is written there cannot even begin to tell you what you are about to read. I picked this book up based off of a few different people's recommendations and hearing the author's name dropped by several of my favorite autho...

Choke (2002) by Chuck Palahniuk

Lullaby (2003)

The only real knowledge I had about Chuck Palahnuik was though the film Fight Club. (Which a terrific flick and excellently directed and photographed. It’s gotta be in my top 25-50 of all time.) I had never read one of his books before. Until now. I checked Lullaby out of the library as I was bro...

Lullaby (2003) by Chuck Palahniuk

Diary (2004)

Diary by Chuck Palahniuk. This. Fucking. Book. Is. Shit. I am having a hard time finding the fitting words to say about this. To write a something like "This is Fucking Great!" or "This book is GOOD!" or even "This book is perfect!" to do so is going to be a crime. Even giving five stars wouldn't...

Diary (2004) by Chuck Palahniuk

Survivor (2010)

Vonnegut,Kozinski,Christopher Moore and now Chuck Pahlaniuk have tapped the black humour of all the mainstream sacred cows, with stylish grace and the prescient ablity to extrapolate the consequences of our most innocuous acts.Another commonality: they all have the uncanny ability to transform ou...

Survivor (2010) by Chuck Palahniuk

Rant (2007)

A Brief CaveatIt feels somewhat strange and almost in bad taste to be reviewing a Chuck Palahnuik book because this just happened. (If you don’t want to search through the link: Paquita (one of the coolest peeps on Goodreads) made mention of the fact that Chuck P. had recommended the book she had...

Rant (2007) by Chuck Palahniuk

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