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Colin Forbes

Colin Forbes
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Books by Colin Forbes


The Cell (2003)

London schwebt in großer Gefahr...doch scheinbar will das niemand erkennen, zumindest bis auf Tweed und sein Spezialteam (einer Bande aus Macho-Männern mit großen Gewehren und einer gutaussehenden Frau, die im Umgang mit Schusswaffen jeglichen Kalibers geübt ist, dabei aber trotzdem noch bei jede...

The Cell (2003) by Colin Forbes

The Leader And The Damned (1984)

UTTERLY DISAPPOINTED !Oh Colin! the plot looked very promising and gripping but it just lost its charm midway through the book. The starting 150-200 pages are as interesting as it gets. But the moment Lindsay and his rescuers reach Yugoslavia,the book gets intolerable. The fight scenes were borin...

The Leader And The Damned (1984) by Colin Forbes

The Greek Key (2000)

Bit of a different outing from Colin Forbes in ‘The Greek Key’. It has all the usual characters and traits of Forbes novel, namely lots of data /information as the plot develops, annoying and cryptic hints from Tweed, plot spread across different countries and a build up to an action packed and d...

The Greek Key (2000) by Colin Forbes

The Main Chance (2006)

Bella Main is worried about attempts from a ruthless European Banker, the mysterious Calouste Doubenkian, to take over the immensely rich and totally private bank that she heads. When Bella offers Tweed the job of Chief Administrator of the Main Chance Bank he declines, but the visit to the myste...

The Main Chance (2006) by Colin Forbes

Tramp in Armor (1971)

”It was going to be another lovely day----for the Germans.” The German Panzer IVWhen the Germans invaded Poland in 1939 Britain sent the British Expeditionary Force (B.E.F.) to defend France. May 10th of 1940 the Germans invade the Netherlands and Belgium and quickly drive through the Ardennes t...

Tramp in Armor (1971) by Colin Forbes

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