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Eve Vaughn

Eve Vaughn
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Books: 4 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.41

Books by Eve Vaughn


Mistress to the Beast (2008)

Lila Sanders marah akan pembangunan mega mall yang akan menggusur toko ayahnya. Toko kecil itu merupakan hasil kerja keras ayahnya dan sekarang ayahnya sedang jatuh sakit. Tidak bisa tinggal diam, Lila mendatangi perusahaan Ramsey dan bertemu dengan pemiliknya yang terkenal Beast, Hunter Jamison....

Mistress to the Beast (2008) by Eve Vaughn

Candy Girl (2009)

This has been on my TBR for a while, so I was glad that I finally got to it. This was a cute if not short romance where I loved seeing the heroine grow because frankly she was way too meek for me to like in the beginning. The story had a little bit of a cinderella feel to it complete with the HE...

Candy Girl (2009) by Eve Vaughn

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