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Gitta Sereny

Gitta Sereny
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Books by Gitta Sereny


Into That Darkness: An Examination of Conscience (1983)

LA ROUTINE DEL MALE E LA MANCANZA D’IMMAGINAZIONENaturalmente, nessuno sapeva che cosa volesse dire un ‘campo di sterminio’. Voglio dire, era al di là… non dico semplicemente dell’esperienza, ma dell’immaginazione, no?Sono le parole di Franciszek Zabecki, capo movimento della stazione di Treblink...

Into That Darkness: An Examination of Conscience (1983) by Gitta Sereny

Cries Unheard: Why Children Kill: The Story of Mary Bell (2000)

Cries Unheard... Until it was too late.When this book was first released, it created a massive controversy over criminals profiting from their crimes in the nation where this story really happened: Britain. I can only surmise that those whom so vigorously felt that way didn't even read the book....

Cries Unheard: Why Children Kill: The Story of Mary Bell (2000) by Gitta Sereny

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