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Grif Stockley

Grif Stockley
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Books by Grif Stockley


Religious Convictions (1995)

This book wasn't bad. The writing was okay and it moved along pretty well. The setting of a murder in the heart of a fundamentalist religious group made it more interesting than a run-of-the-mill murder mystery. But basically it was a legal murder mystery where an enthusiastic lawyer gets called ...

Religious Convictions (1995) by Grif Stockley

Blind Judgment (1998)

This is another book in the "Gideon Page" series by Grif Stockley. It is an interesting book. Gideon Page returns to his hometown. He is defending a meat plant worker, accused of slitting his employer's throat.What really concers Gideon is Paul Johnson, a local bigwig, is accused of hiring the...

Blind Judgment (1998) by Grif Stockley

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