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Irving Wallace

Irving Wallace
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Books by Irving Wallace


The Second Lady (1997)

I read The Second Lady long long ago. But the book was missing the last few pages and after that initial torment of not being able to find out, I have managed to live all this while without knowing what happened the moment they stepped off the plane. And somehow after all these years, something m...

The Second Lady (1997) by Irving Wallace

The Celestial Bed (1988)

O Leito Celestial fala-nos do Dr. Arnold Freeberg, um terapeuta sexual, que recorre à utilização de delegadas sexuais, por achar que existem problemas que não se curam apenas com conversa. As delegadas sexuais são mulheres (e homens, embora com menor expressão) formadas para ajudarem homens (e mu...

The Celestial Bed (1988) by Irving Wallace

The Almighty (1983)

Books like these are what makes you want to find the author and throttle him. The book starts out with great promise. The media mogul who just inherited the throne, the yuppie reporter with great zeal, the cynical - handsome, of course - more experienced mentor cum crush of hers, the promise of a...

The Almighty (1983) by Irving Wallace

The Seven Minutes (1983)

This is a true story: I first saw The Seven Minutes at a resale shop, immediately bought the weathered copy for 50 cents and about 120 pages into it, the spine cracked something fierce, and no matter how delicately I tried flipping the following pages, preservation was fruitless; I really liked w...

The Seven Minutes (1983) by Irving Wallace

The Seventh Secret (1988)

Ein netter kleiner Verschwörungsthriller, den der Autor aus Anlass des 40. Todestags von Adolf Hitler begonnen hat. Die deutsche Ausgabe kam 1989 auf den Markt und war binnen kürzester Zeit Makulatur, denn mit dem Fall der Mauer verlor auch der in der Todeszone dahinter gelegene gesprengte Führer...

The Seventh Secret (1988) by Irving Wallace

Pigeon Project (1980)

Starts off well but gradually deflates into a contrived and loophole-filled story line, dragging on quite unnecessarily. Also disappointing was that the plot, which involved a scientific discovery of the fountain of youth, offered much promise; I eagerly expected several debates on the implicatio...

Pigeon Project (1980) by Irving Wallace

The Guest of Honor (1989)

"Guest of Honor" was an easy book to read, presented in a linear time line. The author parallels the lives of Teddy Roosevelt and Booker T. Washington, the guest of honor. I had heard of Booker T. but did not know much about him. This book supplies a basic outline of his life and the incredible e...

The Guest of Honor (1989) by Irving Wallace

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