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Jean Giono

Jean Giono
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Books by Jean Giono


The Man Who Planted Trees (2000)

Как може една толкова кратка и толкова простичко написана история да бъде и една от най-невероятните, до която някога съм се докосвала? Може би е истина, че зад най-обикновените думи се крие най-дълбокият смисъл, трябва само да четем със сърцето си, а не буквално. Когато завърших ''Човекът, който...

The Man Who Planted Trees (2000) by Jean Giono

The Serpent of Stars (2004)

I found this book in the SPD warehouse during last weekend’s open house, and the reason why I was drawn to these Archipelago Books was because they are such lovely productions, lovely textured cardstock covers with French flaps, cream colored thick stock paper body, simple and consistent design, ...

The Serpent of Stars (2004) by Jean Giono

The Horseman on the Roof (1982)

Hace un tiempo tuve entre mis manos una edición de "El hombre que plantaba árboles" prologada por José Saramago. Si bien en ese momento esa conexión me extrañó, ahora, después de haber leído "El húsar en el tejado", la novela más prestigiosa de Giono, veo claro cuál debió ser la conexión que real...

The Horseman on the Roof (1982) by Jean Giono

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