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Jody Lynn Nye

Jody Lynn Nye
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Books by Jody Lynn Nye


Strong Arm Tactics (Wolfe Pack Book 1) (2014)

Very good book. Captures the feeling of a Group of 'misfit' soldiers that are relegated to the sidelines and only chosen for extremely high threat missions. The Newest commander has a secret of his own. He is one child of a star spanning Organized crime family, trying to make it in the military o...

Strong Arm Tactics (Wolfe Pack Book 1) (2014) by Jody Lynn Nye

Class Dis-Mythed (2005)

If you have never read a MYTH book, you are in for a treat, but I wouldn't start with this one. This story starts after MYTH, Inc. has dissolved and Skeeve (actually The Great Skeeve) is on a sabbatical. For those of you familiar with Asprin's world of insanity, this is a good one.Skeeve is off...

Class Dis-Mythed (2005) by Jody Lynn Nye

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