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Joseph Finder

Joseph Finder
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Books by Joseph Finder


Killer Instinct (2006)

Insidious plot thrills and chills in unusual business setting!Knowing we like "thrillers", a friend passed along an advance reading copy of Finder's pre-release seventh novel, "Killer Instinct"; and sensing an unusual setting, we dove right in. We were quickly rewarded with a story not only to wh...

Killer Instinct (2006) by Joseph Finder

The Moscow Club (2005)

I had high hopes for The Moscow Club. An espionage novel written by an ex-intelligence professional, set during a fascinating point in recent history (1991, the twilight of the Soviet Union)…I was looking forward to a intelligent, reality-based thriller, maybe with some intelligence-community ins...

The Moscow Club (2005) by Joseph Finder

High Crimes (2011)

I found it irresistible not to be consumed by Claire’s story or imagine her any other way than Ashley Judd while reading the book. Perhaps that is why we create the movies; if done well, they give us the means to get even more intimate with our books. They give our characters a face, a voice, a m...

High Crimes (2011) by Joseph Finder

Paranoia (2006)

Joseph Finder, Paranoia (St. Martin's, 2004)Joseph Finder (High Crimes, recently made into a movie)'s fifth novel is something different. Something new. From the looks of things, Finder wanted to take aspects of literature-and I'm not talking your basic modern 20th century "literary" novel here, ...

Paranoia (2006) by Joseph Finder

Company Man (2006)

Is it a coincidence that I have read two books over the last two weeks that have competing story-lines vying for prime time? Is this a trend?A close relative stuck this book in my hand and said, “You’ve dabbled in the corporate game, read this book.” So I did. And I enjoyed the boardroom intrigue...

Company Man (2006) by Joseph Finder

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