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Karl Schroeder

Karl Schroeder
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Books by Karl Schroeder


The Claus Effect (2002)

The Claus Effect started as a short story, "The Toy Mill", which won an Aurora Award in 1993. The award was well deserved. Tightly written and a clever concept, "The Toy Mill" tells the story of Emily, a little girl who wishes to become a Christmas Elf. she meets Santa on Christmas Eve, and he de...

The Claus Effect (2002) by Karl Schroeder

Permanence (2003)

I bought this book a decade ago, after hearing quite a bit of fuss written about it. Already, it has managed to influence many other science fiction universes, with its concentration on brown dwarfs and their planetary systems and the human cultures which have sprung up on their worlds. Read Simo...

Permanence (2003) by Karl Schroeder

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