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Kathy Tyers

Kathy Tyers
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Books by Kathy Tyers


The Truce at Bakura (1994)

Yes, I know, another SW:EU novel. But they're a special brand of crack, and it's fun revisiting the things I was so thoroughly addicted to in 1996/97. This is probably one of, if not the best, novel which has been written in the Star Wars extended universe. Like all the rest of the EU novels, thi...

The Truce at Bakura (1994) by Kathy Tyers

Balance Point (2001)

"If one pivotal person fell to the dark side...then this time, everything they knew might slide into stifling darkness"Balance Point takes us about 10 months after Vector Prime. Han is on Duro, acting as an emissary of sorts for the Ryn. His son, Jacen, is with him, attempting to figure out his...

Balance Point (2001) by Kathy Tyers

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