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Keary Taylor

Keary Taylor
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Books by Keary Taylor


What I Didn't Say (2012)

Jake has his life football and basketball and generally enjoy his senior year. (Maybe even tell Samantha that he loves her.) And then he's off to join the airforce.On Homecoming Night that all changes. He and his best friends get drunk and go driving. They swerve ti nuss a deer ...

What I Didn't Say (2012) by Keary Taylor

Vindicated (2000)

This was an amazing series, in particular this book. So many things happen that tug at your heart. I bawled, it was so hard to read through all my tears. This is the first time I read a book written my Keary and I must say I am hooked, she knows how to get a reader attached to the character's,...

Vindicated (2000) by Keary Taylor

The Human (2013)

Here Eve's story continues.She's accepted that she's different. She's trying her best to become more human. Her newfound emotions are overwhelming. And on top of all that she had to deal with West's contamination and his obsession with Eve.Eve has acknoledged her feeling for Avian for what they a...

The Human (2013) by Keary Taylor

The Eve (2000)

This book ended the Trilogy really well. There are surprises, but all of them are welcome. I have to say that I cried at one point. It is the best of the whole series. Before you read this book, you should read the The Ash and The Raid. I do hope that she comes back to this "universe", for I...

The Eve (2000) by Keary Taylor

Moments of Julian (2014)

Sooo.It was good. Yeah, good.I laughed a bit, sweared a little and kept silent.Yeah, but enjoyed nonetheless.Sage is THE PERFECTIONIST. I mean come on girl, loosen up a little. Shake it out. Julian is the perfect antidote to that perfection-ism.I actually have nothing much to comment on the story...

Moments of Julian (2014) by Keary Taylor

The Raid: An Eden Short Story (2000)

I must say, this short story gave just enough information to peak my interest in what happens throughout the rest of the series. The intensity was there and the story was short enough to hold the intensity throughout. I had a few issues with the grammar at times, but it was only minor, although t...

The Raid: An Eden Short Story (2000) by Keary Taylor

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