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Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy
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Books by Leo Tolstoy


Family Happiness (1901)

This is probably my least favorite of all the things I have read by Tolstoy. Tolstoy mentions in a number of novels and short stories that he does not really believe in love. The best example of this is in War and Peace. Prince Andrew's father has a low opinion of women. He does not think they ar...

Family Happiness (1901) by Leo Tolstoy

İnsan Ne İle Yaşar? (1901)

Tolstoy'u çok severim. Bana göre sivri dilli sert bir yazar o. Yazdıklarının salt gerçekler üzerine olduğunu düşünüyorum. Hayalperest işlerin adamı değil. Hiç değil. Şu yazdıklarımı okusa, çok gevezelik ediyorsun kadın dediğin susmalı ve dinlemeli sadece, derdi ama. Derdi bence :)Kitaptaki hikaye...

İnsan Ne İle Yaşar? (1901) by Leo Tolstoy

Felicidade conjugal (1901)

في البداية أنا أشعر بالقلق عند قراءة أعمال مُترجمة. ف ضياع أسلوب الترجمة يسلب القارئ متعتة وهو يقرأ وربما يضيق ذرعًا بالكلمات الغير متناسقه فيعدل عن تكملته.أنا قرأته مُترجم وهو أول تجربة لي مع الأدب الروسي. رشحته لي صديقه ف بدأت أقرأه وماشجعني أكثر أنه صغير فأن لم يُعجبني لن أضيع الكثير من الوقت ...

Felicidade conjugal (1901) by Leo Tolstoy

La felicidad conyugal (1901)

I enjoyed this book immensely - a really good introduction to the writing of Tolstoy for me. I'm still mulling the story over, so I am not ready to rate it yet.

La felicidad conyugal (1901) by Leo Tolstoy

Rumah Tangga yang Bahagia (1901)

Minor Tolstoy. Oh, hey, Tolstoy, thanks for showing me all the ways in which my life could end in resigned misery.

Rumah Tangga yang Bahagia (1901) by Leo Tolstoy

Tuhan Maha Tahu, tapi Dia Menunggu: Kumpulan Cerita Tolstoy (2005)

Karya Leo Tolstoy pertama yang aku baca. Dan aku sarankan untuk yang pertama untuk semua karya Leo Tolstoy yang ingin anda baca. haha. setelah baca Anna Karenina, langsung berpikir ulang untuk baca karya Tolstoy. Kumcer Tolstoy yang ini bahasannya nggak terlalu njelimet, penerjemahnya lumayan lah...

Tuhan Maha Tahu, tapi Dia Menunggu: Kumpulan Cerita Tolstoy (2005) by Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina (2012)

As a daughter of a Russian literature teacher, it seems I have always known the story of Anna Karenina: the love, the affair, the train - the whole shebang. I must have ingested the knowledge with my mother's milk, as Russians would say.............My grandpa had an old print of a painting hangin...

Anna Karenina (2012) by Leo Tolstoy

War and Peace (1998)

I tried for five months to write something more polished, less rambling. This is all I've got:"While he is alive, the morning is still fresh and dewy, the vampires sleep. But if the sun sets, if father Tolstoy dies and the last genius leaves - what then?"-Alexander Blok, as Tolstoy lay dying at A...

War and Peace (1998) by Leo Tolstoy

The Cossacks (2006)

Como parece que nunca reuniré la fuerza de voluntad suficiente como para enfrentarme a 'Anna Karenina', opté por leer 'Los cosacos', que también es de Tolstoi pero que tiene como 800 páginas menos. Se trata de una obra de juventud con elementos autobiográficos. Olenin es un jovencito de veintipoc...

The Cossacks (2006) by Leo Tolstoy

Childhood, Boyhood, Youth (1964)

tTolstoy’s first published work, Childhood, is a touching story that reveals as much about the author’s childhood experience as it does about maturation in general. Although the story is not a biography, Tolstoy draws on his own past with the belief that “what he learned from self-observation cou...

Childhood, Boyhood, Youth (1964) by Leo Tolstoy

The Sebastopol Sketches (1986)

En estos relatos tenemos un claro ejemplo de los bien llamados “dialectos del alma”, que es como Chernichevski define al estilo singular en que Tolstói se adentra en la psique de sus personajes. Con ellos nos presenta lo inexplicable de la guerra para un individuo y lo nefasta y terrible para el ...

The Sebastopol Sketches (1986) by Leo Tolstoy

The Devil (2004)

It is generally supposed that Conservatives are usually old people, and those in favour of change are the Young. That is not quite correct. Usually Conservatives are young people: those who want to live but who do not think about how to live, and have not time to think, and therefore take as a mo...

The Devil (2004) by Leo Tolstoy

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