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Martha Brockenbrough

Martha Brockenbrough
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Books by Martha Brockenbrough


Echt mieses Timing (2000)

There's a lot of things I can say about this book and most of it is just not good. I can see why many people rated it low on Goodreads. "There is a great legend of the guardian angel who traveled across time and space for the human girl he loved, slaying those who would threaten her with a gleami...

Echt mieses Timing (2000) by Martha Brockenbrough

Devine Intervention (2012)

Seit ihrer Kindheit hört Heidi diese Stimme in ihrem Kopf, da sie das nicht anders kennt ist es für sie total normal, für ihre Umwelt allerdings freakig, weshalb sie es irgendwann gar nicht mehr erwähnt und nach außen so tut, als sei alles ganz normal. So weit es eben geht, denn Heidi ist ein ech...

Devine Intervention (2012) by Martha Brockenbrough

Things That Make Us (Sic) (2000)

I like hamburgers and I now like grammar. I have always loved hamburgers, but not so much grammar. Hamburgers, at least good ones, are juicy and delicious. Grammar, was for me, dry and boring. Now that I’m older, my hips are wider and my writing, thin. So what is an overweight reader to do? Eat...

Things That Make Us (Sic) (2000) by Martha Brockenbrough

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