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Martin Millar

Martin Millar
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Books by Martin Millar


Vex e Kalix. La maledizione delle ragazze lupo (2010)

Scottish teenage werewolf Kalix MacRinnalch is in London trying to settle down and live a normal life. Her new friends support her as she goes to college to learn to read and write, she is struggling with college and staying alive due to her old enemies that won’t leave her alone. Many powerful w...

Vex e Kalix. La maledizione delle ragazze lupo (2010) by Martin Millar

Kalix. Fluch der Werwölfe (2000)

Ugh, I couldn't even get through the first couple chapters.I bailed on this book. (Sorry)I hope other people out there like this book, because the premise seemed awesome. I just couldn't get past the stupid teenager stuff, or the pretentious fashion gossip, and the fire elemental thing...I just w...

Kalix. Fluch der Werwölfe (2000) by Martin Millar

Dreams of Sex and Stage Diving (1994)

Elfish is amoral, ego-centric and absolutely fascinating. Elfish is obsessed about claiming the name Queen Mab for her band (which currently has no members) before her ex-boyfriend can claim it first. While plotting a way to claim the name by reciting the entire monolog from Romeo and Juliet wh...

Dreams of Sex and Stage Diving (1994) by Martin Millar

Ruby & The Stone Age Diet (1989)

I was so depressed after finishing this book that I could not sleep. I feel sorry for whoever wrote the book blurb for the new edition. A great tale of beautiful saving powers of friendship it is definitely not. It'd be great if one could reach into a story and make things less sad. I felt abando...

Ruby & The Stone Age Diet (1989) by Martin Millar

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