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Megan Chance

Megan Chance
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Books: 10 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.64

Books by Megan Chance


Bone River - Fluss der Träume (German Edition) (2013)

I had to keep reminding myself that the story was taking place in 1849 or so. The language and dialog seemed very contemporary. This couple lives in a fishing village in Pacific Northwest. The husband collects Indian artifacts and sell them to a museum. The wife also becomes very good at identifi...

Bone River - Fluss der Träume (German Edition) (2013) by Megan Chance

Bone River (2012)

Actually, this was almost 4 stars. It was a good story, but predictable. I found the writing technically well done, but it did drag on at times. A good read, but not one of my favorites. I also had a hard time getting over some of the scientific inaccuracies - how could a supposed mummy be so int...

Bone River (2012) by Megan Chance

O Espirita (2008)

I don't usually read historical novels, but The Spiritualist was so wonderfully written it was a book to be savored. As a newcomer to New York society in the late 1800s Evie has few friends and a lonely marriage. The unexpected murder of her husband all but displaces Evie from her own life when s...

O Espirita (2008) by Megan Chance

City of Ash (2011)

I picked this book up randomly at the library without really choosing it off anything but the cover. I am a fan of historical fiction and Victorian Era romance/fiction, so it seemed like something I would enjoy. It was intriguing, although it wasn't what I wanted it to be. I had a hard time findi...

City of Ash (2011) by Megan Chance

Susannah Morrow (2002)

Too sleepy for a full review, but here's the short version:Flat plot (i.e., no highs or lows) + flat characters + repetitive Puritan emoz + confusing Puritan politics = 3 stars. However, the writing itself was good & the setting was vividly described with strong details woven throughout. It fee...

Susannah Morrow (2002) by Megan Chance

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