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Miranda July

Miranda July
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.9

Books by Miranda July


It Chooses You (2011)

I enjoyed this. Miranda July is genuinely interested in other people, even if she is a little bit more interested in herself. Who cares? This book is as much about her as about others. The premise (screenwriter [Miranda July] struggles to finish her script, seeks out ads from 'PennySaver' and vis...

It Chooses You (2011) by Miranda July

O escolhido foi você (2011)

"It Chooses You" is the quirky tale of Miranda July and her adventures interviewing various people she finds in the Los Angeles Pennysaver, mainly as inspiration as she wrote the script for her movie, "The Future." This was a light, easy read that I devoured in one day while I was in-between nove...

O escolhido foi você (2011) by Miranda July

First Bad Man (2000)

There are a couple of things I love about this book. The first things is how layered it is. It's an accomplishment to make a book that is both funny and profound, which this is. But to also make a book that is both pornographic and heartwarming is really impressive.The other thing I love is that ...

First Bad Man (2000) by Miranda July

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