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M.M. Vaughan

M.M. Vaughan
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.01

Books by M.M. Vaughan


Die Spione von Myers Holt: Gefährliche Gabe (2013)

I really liked this book, and I think middle-schoolers will LOVE it! It is a quick and exciting read. The characters are fun and diverse, the plot is original, and the whole time I was reading it I was thinking about what a fun movie this book would make. Picture Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi o...

Die Spione von Myers Holt: Gefährliche Gabe (2013) by M.M. Vaughan

The Ability (2013)

Not sure where I put the ability. It's not really a spy book so it's not as good as Spy School, Jason Steed or Alex Rider. Its close to Harry Potter but not as well written, some parts are copied from the Harry Potter books, but he has an Ability.I did not like how he was with his mom, at 12 he w...

The Ability (2013) by M.M. Vaughan

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