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Nancy Rue

Nancy Rue
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Books: 8 | Review: 1 | Avg rating: 4.07

Books by Nancy Rue


The Reluctant Prophet (Library Edition): A Novel (2010)

I typically only give out 5-star reviews for books that are knock-my-socks-off amazing, the kind that I would stay up reading until midnight or later or the ones that I have read again and again. While this book isn't quite THAT good, in the Christian fiction genre I think it totally deserves 5 s...

The Reluctant Prophet (Library Edition): A Novel (2010) by Nancy Rue

Boyfriends, Burritos and an Ocean of Trouble (Enhanced Edition) (2011)

This is another book I've been waiting on for a long time and naturally, I finished it in days. Brynn is a normal 15 year old girl. As normal as you can be when your boyfriend abuses you. When the abuse comes into the light, only after a serious accident, everything seems to spiral out of control...

Boyfriends, Burritos and an Ocean of Trouble (Enhanced Edition) (2011) by Nancy Rue

Boyfriends, Burritos & an Ocean of Trouble (2010)

Once again, Nancy Rue has scored a direct hit on the mind of a teenage girl in the midst of horrifying situations. Last venture out, Motorcycles, Sushi & One Really Strange Book, she tackled the difficult topic of ADHD and emotionally unstable parents. This time, a teenager abused by her boyfrien...

Boyfriends, Burritos & an Ocean of Trouble (2010) by Nancy Rue

Sporen in het zand (2010)

This book was a book to help you look inside you and see what things can be healed without even realizing it. It shows that we have to go thru trouble times to heal as well. A family bond can over come even the past that haunts while bringing that family bond stronger. As you read this book there...

Sporen in het zand (2010) by Nancy Rue

Healing Waters (2008)

This book was both good and very bad. The story was ridiculous and much more elaborate than what was necessary to convey the need for and process of healing in a woman's life. It was far-fetched and felt like a low budget action movie. I longed for a more typical story of a hurting woman that ...

Healing Waters (2008) by Nancy Rue

Do You like author Nancy Rue?

I would like to read the skin your in and body talk please I love your books Nancy Tue especially because they Involve God in them

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