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Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky
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Books: 9 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.94

Books by Noam Chomsky


Hopes and Prospects (1981)

Yet another solid offering from Chomsky, which brings you up to the Post 9/11 years. This includes the Obama years, which are often simply a continuation of Bush's policies both in foreign and domestic affairs. As I have reacquainted myself with Chomsky's work after years, I've been amazed at how...

Hopes and Prospects (1981) by Noam Chomsky

Power Systems: Conversations on Global Democratic Uprisings and the New Challenges to U.S. Empire (2013)

I would recommend this book to International Relations students or any current affairs / social politics enthusiast. This book reminds me of 'Diskusi Koridor', regular afternoon talk I used to attend in college, for covering many subject matters that most people talk about. Chomsky, in his conver...

Power Systems: Conversations on Global Democratic Uprisings and the New Challenges to U.S. Empire (2013) by Noam Chomsky

Sistemi di potere. Conversazioni sulle nuove sfide globali (2013)

I admit, this is another book that I didn't finish. While the topics discussed are obviously important and warrant attention,I feel that they deserve better coverage than what they got in this book. The subtitle of the books reads "Conversations on Global Democratic Uprisings and the new Challeng...

Sistemi di potere. Conversazioni sulle nuove sfide globali (2013) by Noam Chomsky

Cómo Funciona el Mundo (2012)

Ricordo che ero molto giovane quando mi sono comprata uno dei miei primi libri. Era un saggio sulla storia di El Salvador, un paese latinoamericano di cui avevo sentito in televisione senza averci capito nulla. Speravo che leggendo avrei capito. Se non ricordo male, invece mi si ingarbugliarono a...

Cómo Funciona el Mundo (2012) by Noam Chomsky

How the World Works (2011)

Good. Though the format especailly after the first section is of question and answer composed of interviews Chomsky had given in teh 1990s.Reading it I understood a bit better how things are now, how we got here, why things are so bad,and why they arent getting better.We need a total shift, cultu...

How the World Works (2011) by Noam Chomsky

Year 501: The Conquest Continues (1999)

501 سنة، الغزو مستمر قلت في مراجعتي السابقة لمجموعة كتابات نعوم تشومسكي (أشياء لن تسمع بها أبدا ً)، أن القارئ سيخرج منها بغضب ومرارة، أضيف بعد قراءة هذا الكتاب الرعب والاشمئزاز، إن ما يرويه تشومسكي في هذا الكتاب هو تاريخ دموي، أسود، عانى منه أغلب سكان العالم، وتشومسكي يستغل الاحتفال بمرور 500 ع...

Year 501: The Conquest Continues (1999) by Noam Chomsky

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