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Patricia Mason

Patricia Mason
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Books by Patricia Mason


In Deep Shitake (2012)

The plot was okay. The story line was okay. The humor was annoying and the writing failed. Using vegetables as swear words is only funny the first time. After that, you become an annoying little twit. The humor was pounded into the ground. I've read books where I have laughed so hard, I had...

In Deep Shitake (2012) by Patricia Mason

A Girl, a Guy, and a Ghost (2010)

"A Girl, a Guy and a Ghost" by Patricia Mason was offered for free on Kindle through the Goodreads site. The book was a fast read and just the thing I needed at this time. It was funny and the character sure were different. I did think that Giselle was unnecessarily mean to some of the characters...

A Girl, a Guy, and a Ghost (2010) by Patricia Mason

Confucius Cat Says... (2000)

Think outside the litter box, don’t fight cats behind glass if they look suspiciously like you, enjoy reading an ode to the monthly Vile Vial, smile through felinely mangled literary references, imagine the experiments claws can perform with stray toilet-paper rolls, and more. If you like to cata...

Confucius Cat Says... (2000) by Patricia Mason

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