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R.B. Chesterton

R.B. Chesterton
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.21

Books by R.B. Chesterton


Darkling, The: A Novel (2013)

I'm not sure if I just have an issue with thrillers in general, but I couldn't get into this book. For me, it was written exactly like a horror movie, but it was padded with substantial narration. I wasn't super invested in the family, although Mimi did turn out to be a nicely written character. ...

Darkling, The: A Novel (2013) by R.B. Chesterton

The Seeker (2014)

Aine Cahill, a doctoral candidate, rents a cabin in Concord, MA, to write her dissertation on Thoreau. However, she quickly encounters mysterious events and ghostly appearances, which relate not only to her research but to a family curse she has long sought to escape. As events spiral out of cont...

The Seeker (2014) by R.B. Chesterton

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