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Rosemary Rogers

Rosemary Rogers
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4.39 of 5 Votes: 2
Books: 7 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.58

Books by Rosemary Rogers


Tiempo de traiciones (2013)

I needed complete fluff to clear my mind after the heavy tome of 1Q84. I picked this book based on the cover only to laugh at myself for having checked out a Harlequin romance which surprisingly is the first Harlequin romance that I've ever read. It's not nearly as awful as I thought that it wo...

Tiempo de traiciones (2013) by Rosemary Rogers

Bride for a Night (2011)

Ehhh, what can I say. This book started out interesting, and I really felt for Talia in the beginning of the book. Needless to say, it went downhill from there. I made it halfway through before I realized I was reading just to get it over with and decided to quit.Talia and Gabriel met twice be...

Bride for a Night (2011) by Rosemary Rogers

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