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Serena Yates

Serena Yates
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Books by Serena Yates


To Find and to Keep (2009)

Maybe I've just read too many "Keeping Promise Rock" and "Enlightened" and "Our December" quality m/m romance but I could not seem to enjoy this one. I could not get into these characters. Maybe it was the fact that they re-connected so easily after four years apart. Or maybe the fact that the...

To Find and to Keep (2009) by Serena Yates

The Mistletoe Phenomenon (2009)

Alright, this was pretty disappointing for me. I really liked the premise of this story which is why I picked it up. The idea of one character being a glaciologist (not something you read everyday) interested me and although the rest sounded pretty typical and predictable, that doesn't mean it ca...

The Mistletoe Phenomenon (2009) by Serena Yates

The Elevator Mechanic (2000)

This story is formulaic. Boy spots boy and their eyes meet; boy later meets boy and they have sex; one of them gets fired and the other one helps him out; and on and on until they prepare to ride off into the sunset together. It should probably be in the Nifty Erotic Stories archive, where it wo...

The Elevator Mechanic (2000) by Serena Yates

Finding Elliot (2010)

I did enjoy this read and want to continue on in the series. Love that a lost love was rediscovered and rekindled. Two problems. One story was a little too easy. I really wouldn't think love would rekindle that quickly and all trouble solved that fast. The second is I kept thinking I had rea...

Finding Elliot (2010) by Serena Yates

To Keep and to Love (2010)

Not badly written, but way too... gushy-sweet. I liked the characters well enough, but the dialogue, not so much. Usually I find myself skimming descriptions to get to the dialogue, but here I was skimming dialogue to get to... something else. To me there was just way too much "You're beautifu...

To Keep and to Love (2010) by Serena Yates

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