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Shéa MacLeod

Shéa MacLeod
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.81

Books by Shéa MacLeod


Kissed by Darkness (2011)

3.5 stars. This was kind of like a weird cross between Buffy and Supernatural and Atlantis or something. IDEK. I mean, Morgan is a badass vampire hunter who developed certain powers after she was nearly killed by a vampire three years ago. She works for a PI agency that chases down vampires and d...

Kissed by Darkness (2011) by Shéa MacLeod

Kissed by Fire (2000)

I read the first Sunwalker book and enjoyed it -- so I got the second in the series and was not disappointed. Who Morgan Bailey is, is becoming, and what is in store for her -- from her relationships to the important people in her life, to her relationship with herself -- as her powers change and...

Kissed by Fire (2000) by Shéa MacLeod

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