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Spike Milligan

Spike Milligan
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Books by Spike Milligan


Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall (1974)

WW2 according to Gunner Terence Alan Milligan offers the reader a very unique, funny yet integral view of his life during and the times that were World War Two.This book has sheer brilliancy in its ability to allow you to sit back in a chair, laugh and marvel yet sit up straight for its realness ...

Adolf Hitler: My Part in His Downfall (1974) by Spike Milligan

Puckoon (1976)

I imagine had I reviewed this in my Goon-loving, Milligan-adoring mid-teens heyday it would've got five stars, no problems. The thing is twenty years have passed since I was 16, and the times have a-changed.Clearly I've got older, and I suppose we all grow out of certain phases of likes and disli...

Puckoon (1976) by Spike Milligan

Peace Work (1992)

Spike Milligan is a master wordsmith of sorts. Border line DADA, but yet can still write a narration from point A to Z, but it will be an insane trip from one to the other. Milligan is famous for being part of the Goons, which also included Peter Sellers. As far as I know their performances were ...

Peace Work (1992) by Spike Milligan

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