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Stewart Lewis

Stewart Lewis
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3.37 of 5 Votes: 3
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.41

Books by Stewart Lewis


Sept messages pour mes 15 ans (2013)

There's something about finding a book randomly on the shelf, say at a library. And either the cover, title or premise of the story catches your interest, you go in blind, not sure what to expect, having heard nothing about the book. That's how I felt with this one. You have a girl who finds her ...

Sept messages pour mes 15 ans (2013) by Stewart Lewis

You Have Seven Messages (2011)

i enjoyed this book a lot. It showed me that even once somebody is gone, they are never really gone. Parts of them live on forever; some good parts and some bad parts of them. The main character learns this as well. She is forced to deal with the death of her mother and the mysteries that came al...

You Have Seven Messages (2011) by Stewart Lewis

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