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Sven Hassel

Sven Hassel
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Books by Sven Hassel


Assignment Gestapo (2007)

4th Assignment Gestapo chapter by chapter: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The Informer Bit of scene setting action. Arrival of new recruits. Story of raid to get sausages. Porta reminisces about France. Tiny tells the story of his elev...

Assignment Gestapo (2007) by Sven Hassel

Wheels of Terror (2007)

Some of Solzhenitzyn's obituarists said he was a witness rather than a talented author. That's certainly true of Sven Hassel. He writes simply and brutally, in a style that too often tips over into melodramatic shlock-horror. I like Hassel, but the accusations of "Panzerporn" are not unreasonable...

Wheels of Terror (2007) by Sven Hassel

Monte Cassino (2007)

The battle over Monte Casino was one of the bloodiest of the WW II and no doubt Hassel decided to put his band there. Sven, Porta, Tiny, Barcelona and others were fighting for survival against masses of Allied forces and yes they managed it again. Sven discovered delights of Rome and walking ther...

Monte Cassino (2007) by Sven Hassel

SS General (2007)

Do you know haow hard it is to find these books?I mean if your like me and wont buy books online for fear of reciving a credit card bill that resembles the national debt in size and magnatude. Well the answer is extreamly hard. The only other Sven Hassel book I have found was a beat up copy of 'R...

SS General (2007) by Sven Hassel

March Battalion (2007)

When I was young and fascinated by good WWII novels (as opposed to now when I'm old and fascinated by good WWII novels) I chanced upon Sven Hassel and life was never the same since. At the time it was a new experience for me - a story about soldiers in action, but instead of being British or Amer...

March Battalion (2007) by Sven Hassel

Court Martial (2008)

c1979. One of the last of the series which is about a German platoon (Porta, Tiny, Old Man, the Legionnaire, Heide, Barcelona-Blom, Sven, etc.) on different fronts during WWII and narrates the atrocity and absurdity of war from a German perspective. Bio courtesy of authors website - "Hassel was b...

Court Martial (2008) by Sven Hassel

The Bloody Road to Death (2008)

From the start, I must say that I never considered myself a fan of Sven Hassel's literature and this novel did not made me change my mind. This one is the third novel I have read in the span of last couple of years and to be frankly, I expected at least something different between them. They are ...

The Bloody Road to Death (2008) by Sven Hassel

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