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Wilson Rawls

Wilson Rawls
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Books by Wilson Rawls


Where the Red Fern Grows (2000)

this is one of my favorite books in all the land. i read it at least a million times when i was little, and it holds such a special place in my heart, i can't even begin to review it. having said all that, there are those who have a problem with the ending, because let's just say it's fairly deva...

Where the Red Fern Grows (2000) by Wilson Rawls

Summer of the Monkeys (1998)

Oooh. I have mixed feelings about this story. It's been sitting on my shelf for years, when it was first recommended to me as a perfect family read-aloud. So, I finally read it. In short, it's a jolly tale of rompin', rollickin' hilarity with just enough negative thrown in to keep it from being t...

Summer of the Monkeys (1998) by Wilson Rawls

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