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Buckle Down (2012)

Buckle Down (2012)

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4.67 of 5 Votes: 5
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lazy day publishing

About book Buckle Down (2012)

I love the Memory Grove series it was nice going back for a visit. The previous books in the series are hot, sexy and did I mention, hot? I wasn't sure how Buckle Down was going to be with the heroine in this story being Luke's baby sister.Buckle Down isn't my favorite story of the series. There was something about Tess that I could not connect with. I felt like her character and her relationship with Shane wasn't fully fleshed out. Shane's relationship with Phoebe, an older woman whom he works for, was plain gross but I could understand that at the time he was desperate. I wasn't 100% sure if he was still sleeping with Phoebe when he first meets Tess. If so, double gross. The fact that Shane would hit that made him so not sexy. And the fact that he smoked cigarettes. Even though that fact was only mentioned once, it stood out to me.Shane is supposed to be Luke's rival and Luke flips out when he finds out that Tess is seeing Shane. I wished that more time had been spent on it. Was there something Luke and Shane's past that would cause Luke to react that way? I don't remember Shane or any mention of him from previous books so Luke's harsh reaction to the idea of Tess being with Shane made no sense. The sex was hot even though I was a little put off from the lack of condom use considering that Shane admitted to sleeping with a woman - Phoebe- who is an admitted whore. The way the story wrapped up didn't sit well with me. I couldn't fully get behind Phoebe's decision.Overall, Buckle Down was an okay story. It was nice revisiting the characters from Memory Grove.

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