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Civilization: The Six Ways The West Beat The Rest (2011)

Civilization: The Six Ways the West Beat the Rest (2011)

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1846142733 (ISBN13: 9781846142734)
Allen Lane

About book Civilization: The Six Ways The West Beat The Rest (2011)

Politicians in my country often say that we are "a bridge between the East and the West" or that we can "balance and be friends with everybody". As a consequence we are poor, uneducated and confused, without proper private property protection, rule of law or market competition. Ferguson's book explains key mechanisms of success for a society, and why are the western values and "applications" superior compared to everyone else. They are the only acceptable answer to the centuries-old question "којем ли се приволети царству?"... [to be continued] Para un lector como yo que no estoy muy documentado en historia mundial, el libro me parece muy interesante dado que ademas de proveer muchos hechos de la historia les da una interpretacion personal que los hace muy digeribles e interesantes para cualquier lector.El libro esta muy cargado en datos y referencias y a veces senti que se salia de foco o linea de pensamiento pero aun asi la narrativa es interesante. Recomiendo leerlo varias veces para sacarle mas jugo.

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This is the book that got me started in reading history.

Great book, very insightful and with a good warning.

intellectual read...

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