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Cowboy Keeper (2011)

Cowboy Keeper (2011)

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4.02 of 5 Votes: 1
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1610343174 (ISBN13: 9781610343176)
Siren-Bookstrand, Inc.

About book Cowboy Keeper (2011)

typical stormy glenn romance. nothing fantastic, nothing so bad it can't be finished. what is typical stormy glenn? imagine a shorter harlequin romance but with no t&a (see, i was going to write no surprise pregnancies, but... yeah.). laziness dictates i will use this as my template for all books by the following authors unless a book is remarkably good/bad :stormy glennlynn hagenscarlet hyacinthjoyee flynncarol lynnegabrielle evans Yeah, okay. I was looking for a light read so I turned to this. Unfortunately, this just didn't do it for me. As my opinion differs vastly from the others posted, i thought I would justify it. It may just be me :) Annoyances:-There was an awful lot of physical activity for someone who was just whipped / may have had cracked ribs. - Billy gets his back bandaged, all the way around his torso, but later just pulls up his shirt to show Asa his beating marks.- Rourke's unprovoked, overly possessive moment early in the story is really random and doesnt seem to fit.- Rourke's insta-love turnabout for someone he previously saw as a troublemaker is a bit quick / unbelievable. - Generally, people's opinions swing 180 degrees in minutes. While there is some justification for this, the rapidity and magnitude of the change feels awkward.- I couldn't suspend belief enough to buy the whole confrontation scene with Ira towards the end. I won't get into it to limit the spoilers, but....really? no one else had anything to say?While there were one or two decent part throughout, I couldn't get over everything else. I'm surprised I finished this.

Do You like book Cowboy Keeper (2011)?

i love this family i enjoyed the series a whole lot i must say i will give individual updates later

I knew I was going to love this one...a really enjoyable read..

Blaecleah Brothers 2


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