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Dragoon (2000)

Dragoon (2000)

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4.14 of 5 Votes: 4
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About book Dragoon (2000)

This was a real step up from the first book in terms of the quality of the writing and plotting. I would even venture to call it an action-packed adventure! We further explore the outside world and we get some answers about how the world works and what must have led to the creation of Haven. While the main character still bores me (she is predictably surprised by every revelation. Every single one), she does fairly well on the action front, and I appreciate the growth in her power and control. I do wish that we got to see things from Rune's point of view every so often, though. Rune seems to have a deep amd rich inner life as well as a truly fascinating story to tell. Good sequel. There is more depth to the world and characters than in most young heroine novels. Some of the secondary characters are really well drawn (like Dylan). That said, Rune seems a little one dimensional. There is a great balance of story and character defining moments. And like the first volume, it ends in a good point to pause that still makes you eager to know what's next.Not sure what could move this into the 5 star category except to show more growth of maturity in some of the characters. It has moments that give you ahhs, but not the huge ohhhs that you can get when you are just a little more invested in the characters and world. Just a little bit more...

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I am really enjoying this series! However, the next one isn't out yet. I always do that!

Wow! This was a great sequel to Haven. I have given it a strong 4!

Great series!! Well developed characters and great story!! Loved it.

4.5 stars, great second book of this series

This was an amazing sequel!

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