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Series: Across The Universe

by Author Beth Revis


Všechny barvy Země (2013)

Today’s post is on Shades of Earth by Beth Revis. It is the last in her Across the Universe trilogy. It is 369 pages long and is published by Razor Bill. The cover is green with plants growing around the title which is metal looking. The intended reader is someone who has read the first two. It i...

Všechny barvy Země (2013) by Beth Revis

Godspeed - Die Ankunft (2013)

By far my favorite book of the trilogy. Action-packed from the very first page. It ties everything together and explains all the secrets. I can't mention more because I can't spoil it. It's that good. I didn't particularly enjoy the first two books, but I decided to pick this up anyway. I don't r...

Godspeed - Die Ankunft (2013) by Beth Revis

Dos soles (2013)

In the same way that A Million Suns demonstrated a rising complexity to the series Shades of Earth takes the characters into a more complicated situation on their new planet. While it feels like the story unravels a little near the end, the situation on the planet is compelling and complicated. A...

Dos soles (2013) by Beth Revis

Milion sluncí (2012)

If you're not aware, this is the second book. However i didn't know when i started reading and i was still interested and pulled into the book. The plot is easy to follow and you don't really need to read the first one to understand this one because everything is explained in great detail, which ...

Milion sluncí (2012) by Beth Revis

Bir Milyon Güneş (2012)

This book is much better than the first one with a far more mysterious mystery, but which I mean the culprit is not obvious. Beth Revis' story embraces rising complexity as the situation aboard Godspeed becomes increasingly complicated and therefore interesting. Any continues to deal with the sam...

Bir Milyon Güneş (2012) by Beth Revis

Tan cerca (2012)

4.8 stars average book... liked the mystery Amy had to solve but there was too much drama with elder

Tan cerca (2012) by Beth Revis

Despierta (2012)

Great book! I'm excited to read the next one. Not one of my favourites, but it's an interesting story, it was really entertaining.

Despierta (2012) by Beth Revis

Shades of Earth (2013)

"Finally at home,but is this a safe place to stay?" This last book,in my opinion,is really off the chain! Centauri-Earth seems a good new place where to live in,without those pteros of course,but something isn't going well. Chris and Amy's dad lying about the truth of this natural,untouched and b...

Shades of Earth (2013) by Beth Revis

A Million Suns (2012)

I'm sorry but this book was just so stupid. Be prepared for a very long rant. The only reason I continued reading was because I just want to finish the series but not because I'm genuinely enjoying this book at all. first of all why is Elder still listening to Amy she's obviously a selfish littl...

A Million Suns (2012) by Beth Revis

Across the Universe (2011)

I LOVE SCIENCE! And this book proves it. Great book for proplr who want action, even thought it starts slow at first, but it blast off after that. The imagination that is related to science in this book is very important. When my friend showed the book, I was like 'I don't know, is it good?' Bec...

Across the Universe (2011) by Beth Revis