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Series: Arbai

by Author Sheri S. Tepper


Raising the Stones (2002)

Sheri S. Tepper's "Raising the Stones" is sometimes billed as the second part of her "Arbai" trilogy, but that's a misnomer, as this book easily stands on its own. It shares the same universe as its predecessor, "Grass," but is otherwise set one thousand years later and with very few exceptions h...

Raising the Stones (2002) by Sheri S. Tepper

Grass (2002)

Tepper is new to me. Not only new, but before I read Grass, I had not even heard of Tepper. I had no preconceptions, I had no idea of the plot - completely fresh.The result completely blew me. Grass sets up a complex society involving a main religion, a controlling empire, and a rogue planet d...

Grass (2002) by Sheri S. Tepper