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Series: Conclave Of Shadows

by Author Raymond E. Feist


King of Foxes (2005)

An unworthy follow-up to the first of this trilogy, King of Foxes bore little of what made Talon of the Silver Hawk worthwhile and even twisted up some of it so that it came out badly.In the second half of the previous novel, Talon became a somewhat generic character, though it was somewhat excus...

King of Foxes (2005) by Raymond E. Feist

Talon of the Silver Hawk (2004)

I have one major gripe against this book: it is labeled as fantasy and I feel like it really wasn't. Magic is spoken of several times and used very occasionally, but it is not described in any great detail and there weren't really any fantastical creatures running around. So I was expecting somet...

Talon of the Silver Hawk (2004) by Raymond E. Feist

Exile's Return (2006)

As Exile's Return is the conclusion of Feist's Conclave of Shadows trilogy, this review almost of necessity must incorporate some interpretation of the full trilogy and not only the one book.That being said, it is a bit odd to spend the first two books of a trilogy dealing with one character, Tal...

Exile's Return (2006) by Raymond E. Feist