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Series: French Revolution

by Author Jean Plaidy


The Red Necklace (2007)

Tom Hiddleston read this. Tom fucking Hiddleston read this. I...must listen to this audiobook. He could read me a cookbook and I'd happily and joyously listen to it. EDIT: Alas, I couldn't find the UK audiobook, but I'm reading it anyway. If anyone knows of somewhere I can listen to it, please le...

The Red Necklace (2007) by Sally Gardner

The Road to Compiegne (1972)

This one is the second in the Revolution Series by Jean Plaidy- and I absolutely loved it! Moving on from the first book, (Louis the Well-Beloved- see my review here), which portrays Louis from birth to the beginning of his relationship with La Marquise de Pompadour- in this volume, Louis goes...

The Road to Compiegne (1972) by Jean Plaidy