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Series: League Of Peoples

by Author James Alan Gardner


Radiant (2005)

This is the sixth book in a series. Gardner’s heroine, Admiral Festina Ramos appears once more, this time with Youn Suu as protagonist. As a direct contrast to Ramos, who has a purple birthmark on one cheek, Youn Suu has a birthmark on the other cheek, and the book makes much of the difference be...

Radiant (2005) by James Alan Gardner

Commitment Hour (1998)

This book was pure joy for me to read. I loved everything about it -- the world, the characters, the very idiosyncratic voice. After I came down from my reading high I found myself poking holes in some of the assertions about the world, suspect of the ways Gardner chose his characters to discoura...

Commitment Hour (1998) by James Alan Gardner