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Series: Reportaz

by Author Francisco Goldman


India: A Million Mutinies Now (1992)

Two months ago, I’d lemmed this book in frustration and declared passionately on GR that this was the only book I’d abandoned so far with the clear intention of never picking it up. Now you can see that I’ve not only finished it in a day, but also given it a hefty 4 star rating. And that too to N...

India: A Million Mutinies Now (1992) by V.S. Naipaul

Among the Believers : An Islamic Journey (2003)

Buku Among the Believers (Bersama Kaum Beriman) mencatat “perjalanan Islami” V.S. Naipaul yang mencakup empat negara, yakni Republik Islam Iran, Republik Islam Pakistan, Kerajaan Malaysia dan Republik Indonesia. Pemberian nama lengkap masing-masing negara ini sepertinya diperlukan, untuk memberik...

Among the Believers : An Islamic Journey (2003) by V.S. Naipaul