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Series: Wonderland Quartet

by Author Elaine Showalter


A Garden of Earthly Delights (2003)

This book was published in 1967 and is the first book of the Wonderland Quartet. That year I was a junior at the University of Michigan, married with a one year old son. I had recently avoided being drafted because I was a father. I worked almost full time at the Ann Arbor Post Office as an eveni...

A Garden of Earthly Delights (2003) by Elaine Showalter

them (2006)

SpoilersJoyce Carol Oates' 'Them' is a dark yet beautiful piece of with. At times, it reminds me of Flannery O'Connor, or McCullers southern gothic style—'Them', although considered a work of 'realistic fiction', is just slightly insane, like someone chatty Cathy waiting at a lonely bus stop with...

them (2006) by Elaine Showalter