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Galdoni (2011)

Galdoni (2011)

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3.78 of 5 Votes: 3
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About book Galdoni (2011)

The consept was mediocre. I get it though. Who doesn't want to be freed from torture. The plot was weak and turned into more of a teenage romance novel. There is a lot of redundancy in the story, which just acted as filler. More time should have been spent on the galdoni uprising. There wasn't enough of a plot summary for me to feel sorry for Kale or understand why Blade was resistant. Also, editing and proofreading do wonders. Just getting past the grammatical errors was gut wrenching. 3.5 starsThis book kept me interested with a unique plot. I am not typically into YA books so anything that is a little 'immature' in its content automatically ranks lower on my ranking by no fault of the author. It is just my taste. The love story here was soft and felt natural. I would have liked to have seen more back story of explanation behind why the Galdoni were originally created and what factors decided their fate to become nothing more than warriors for sport. Overall, any book that can hold my attention all the way through deserves an applause and this one actually has me thinking of one day continuing with the story so it is above average.

Do You like book Galdoni (2011)?

This book took a little while to get into but then it was pretty good. A little strange but good.

Kale learns that strength doesn't just invole kicking but.

Seriously freakin' awesome!!

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