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How To Cheat A Dragon's Curse (2007)

How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse (2007)

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4.2 of 5 Votes: 4
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0316114251 (ISBN13: 9780316114257)
little, brown and company

About book How To Cheat A Dragon's Curse (2007)

Horeee done this!saat pulang kuliah, ketika hujan menerjang, badai menghantam, badan kuyup sampai ketulang, buku ini satu2nya yang aku pikirkan dan aku lindungi agar tidak basah (selain hape nomor dua).Banyak, banyak banget pesan yang ada di buku ini. Gimana engga, tokoh utama yang super humble ini, emang udah seharusnya menang disetiap buku (ya, karena dia HEROnya), dan menang dengan kesederhanaanya. Hiccup bukan Snotlout, bukan juga dogsbreath, tapi dia bisa mengatasi quest-nya sebagai orang yang biasa-biasa saja. (jadi ngawur gini kan)Petualangan HICCUP kali ini, untuk menyelamatkan temannya, FISHLEGS yang terkena racun VORPENTITIS. Hiccup harus ke HYSTERIA TRIBE, untuk mencuri sayuran-yang-siapapun-tidak-berani-sebut dari AMERIKA, milik kepala suku HYSTERIA.dibawah ini mengandung banyak spoiler:ada pesan yang ditulis Hiccup sendiri, dan sangat bagus! (1)1. Hiccup berhasil dalam Quest mencari sayuran, bukan karena keberuntungan, tapi karena usahanya sendiri mengubah takdir. ketika berhadapan dengan NORTBERT the NUTJOB, Hiccup udah bener2 tersudut. Tapi Norbert masih kasih Hiccup kesempatan dengan cara, melemparkan Kapak dua sisinya. kalau sisi yang putih mendarat, Hiccup boleh lari, kalau sisi yang hitam mendarat duluan, Hiccup harus mati. Hiccup tahu sisi yang hitam yang akan mendarat, jadi dia tangkep kapak itu sesaat sebelum mendarat lalu di swing lagi sampai sisi putih mendarat. TA-DAAAA!kalau Hiccup hanya pasif aja, dan menerima apa adanya, fishlegs ga mungkin sembuh, hiccup juga pasti mati. (ngaca ke diri sendiri :/ , huh)2. SAYURAN-YANG-SIAPAPUN-TIDAK-BERANI-SEBUTsayuran dari Amerika ini adalahjreng jeng jeng....KENTANG (POTATO :p )waktu Hiccup tahu bentuk sebenarnya potato kayak gimana, eeuhh, it is just a boring vegetable. bentuknya bulet ngga jelas warna coklat. Tapi itulah yang Hiccup cari-cari, sampai mempertaruhkan nyawanya sendiri. Intinya apa? yah kentang kan makanan lazim orang amrik, dan kisah Hiccup ini ngajarin kita menghargai makanan yang sangat boring ini sekalipun. walaupun di amrik kentang ada buanyaaaak banget, tapi kan ada negara2 yang kelaparan, bahkan kentang aja ngga punya. DAN sedih banget ketika Hiccup harus kehilangan POTATO, pas detik-detik terakhir. Tinggal sedikiiiiiiit lagi Hiccup bisa kasih Potato untuk nyembuhin Fishlegs. Hiccup nangis.(sekarang kalo lihat Potato, feelnya jadi beda. Makan Potato pun jadi kayak lagi makan makanan langka. tapi kenapa oh kenapa harus kentang. *lg ngelus2 kentang di supermarket* )3. STOICK THE VAST dan FISHLEGSpapa Hiccup, walaupun bodoh, dan kasar, itu karena dia menyayangi Hiccup sooooo muuuuuch.dan Fishlegs, jadilah teman Hiccup yang setia selalu. :)thanks buat CAMICAZI dan TOOTHLES yang sudah meramaikan buku kali ini.bye~

From my 10 year old:This book starts out in the setting of the open sea. The characters are Snotlout, Norbert the Nutjob, Chief of the Hysterical Tribe, Stoic the Vast, Dogsbreath the Duhbrain, and Hiccup and Fishlegs and Old Wrinkly. The conflict they face is that Fishlegs has gotten stung by a dragon named the Venomous Vorpent. There's a cure, it's a vegetable that no one dares named, a potato. The only place where you can get it is America. Hiccup finds out Norbert the Nutjob has one and that he can go to Hysteria and get it. So he goes to Stoic the Vast and asks if he can help him go on a quest to Hysteria. Hiccup goes to, well his dad forbade him to, and so then he decides and goes anyway. He gets his friend, heir to the Bog Burglar tribe, which is a female only tribe. It's kind of weird, they don't give birth to any boys somehow. The heir is Camicazi. They get ready and leave at night. The only person who sees them leaving is Snotlout. It takes three hours for them to get there. When they do get there, on a sleigh with One Eye pulling it. He's a saber tooth driver dragon. Hiccup's dragon Toothless comes. They get there and then he comes back and says that they are having a feast on Freya's Day Eve.The high point of the story is when Hiccup jumps from the roof and lands in a huge cauldron of onion soup. Then he comes out and the chief sees him and says "Assassin!" He makes his warriors charge and get him. Then they talk about a few things. Then they stick Hiccup, inside a cage that is hanging from the roof. Then Hiccup gets toothless to go get Camicazi and have her come rescue Hiccup. Then she gets him out and then everyone in the tribe wakes up. Hiccup and Camicazi start getting dinner plates and knocking people out. So then they are fighting. It resolves with Hiccup getting home and finding out that Fishlegs just had a really bad cold that Old Wrinkly did cure him of. Then they found out that Hiccups was stung by the venomous verpent and he had five minutes. Stoic was starting to cry and he said he would go to America and get the potato. Old Wrinkly said that Hiccup had the anecdote and that he could just eat it. Then they didn't get the potato and then Hiccup told Fishlegs to shoot him with an arrow.In the end Fishlegs shot Hiccups with an arrow. It hit him in the foot. The arrow was the arrow that was in the potato. It made it so all the juices went into his blood. That cured him.I liked this book because it is about vikings and dragons.

Do You like book How To Cheat A Dragon's Curse (2007)?

Di akhir buku sebelumnya, pembaca diberikan cliffhanger yang cukup membuat penasaran. Katanya ada 'pahlawan' yang terkena racun naga! Sejujurnya, aku kira itu Hiccup.. tapi ternyata.. Fishlegs! Astaga~Hiccup harus menempuh kutukan naga untuk menemukan antidot-nya, yaitu sebuah sayuran yang tidak boleh disebutkan namanya. Sayuran apakah itu?Nah, nama sayurannya tidak penting.. yang penting, Hiccup harus tahu cara menemukannya. Dia harus bisa melalui kutukan naga, mencuri dari kaum histeris yang sadis, dan menghadapi DoomFang si Naga Kejam! Jangan salah ya, api DoomFang tidak 'membakar' seperti api naga lain.. api DoomFang membekukan, karena DoomFang tinggal di lautan es :OIni seru banget, ada Camicazi, cewek super yg nggak cantik kayak Astrid di film sih.. tapi KEREN, dia nggak pernah takut! Baca ini jadi makin ingin ada versi Berk kocak deh :")P.S. di akhir perjalanan Hiccup, ada plot twist.. yg cukup bikin.. duuuh! Lalu, epilognya pun bagus. Ada penutup dari Hiccup tua, yang bercerita tentang kelanjutan kisahnya dengan si DoomFang tua. Believe it or not, aku berkaca-kaca pas baca epilognya. Kalau bukan sedang di bis, mungkin akan menangis XD *terlalu emosional*Terharu, Hiccup yang super payah dan culun itu akan jadi pahlawan viking yang amat sangat luar biasa (*'∀'人)♥*+

I liked this book better than the last one. One of the main points that I like better is that there was a lot less of Snotlout in this book. I can't stand him! Stoick is slowly coming around and also I'm glad that there was less Gobber as well, his constant yelling is a tad irritating. Toothless and Hiccup got along much better now as well.I thought Cowell was pretty hilarious calling the ship 'The American Dream' and using the potato as magical cure, though in all honesty, the potato came from Ireland, so the potato shouldn't even be in America yet, but since this isn't historically accurate, I guess that doesn't really matter much, but I thought I would point it out.Hiccup goes above and beyond the call of duty trying to save his friend and it nearly costs him his life. It was a great book. Can't wait to see what happens next.Oh, and I thought it was awesome that in the epilogue, that Hiccup says he made a new friend for life, the Doomfang. :)

This is my favourite book of the series so far. At the end of the last book, the gang met with a venomous dragon and one of them was bitten. But who was it and can Hiccup and the gang find the fabled potato (shhhhh, you aren't supposed to mention it!) and save the day? I think this one was better because things don't exactly go to plan, and Fishlegs and Hiccup teach Stoick a lesson in the meaning of friendship. It's a bit darker but I really enjoyed it. I wish the author would write some more grown up books about Hiccup in adulthood. I would read them.

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