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Klan Vlčice (2000)

Klan vlčice (2000)

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About book Klan Vlčice (2000)

Primer libro de la trilogía La Guerra de las Brujas. Me la leí hace tiempo, por lo que no tengo el libro fresco, pero recuerdo que me gustó muchísimo esta trilogía. El segundo libro, que por norma general no me suele gustar en las trilogías, me encantó porque aunque la trama general de va un poco lenta se centra en la historia de la madre, que es tan interesante como la de la protagonista (o más). REVIEWWhile this is a book about witches, it is also a book about the mother and daughter bond. In this case, Anaid is willing to fight the rival Odish clan to save her mother, Selene, from the evil Omar clan. I liked that they had such a close relationship. The story starts off slow with quite a bit of detail as Anaid learns to use her powers. It was surprising to learn how powerful she was compared to the more experienced witches. Anaid was able to do things like turn into a dolphin or fly. The ending was predictable and came rather abruptly. There were some loose ends that needed to be tied up and I was left wondering what eventually happened. RATING4 Plot3 Characters4 Attention Grabbing3 Girlie Meter3 Ending17 TOTAL4 STARS

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Really good book! Can't wait till the rest is translated into english!

it was kinda confusing

it was a awsome book.

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