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Klondike: The Last Great Gold Rush, 1896-1899 (2015)

Klondike: The Last Great Gold Rush, 1896-1899 (2015)

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0385658443 (ISBN13: 9780385658447)
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About book Klondike: The Last Great Gold Rush, 1896-1899 (2015)

As the five stars indicate, I thought "Klondike" was amazing. Author and journalist Pierre Berton has written an truly enjoyable book about a one-of-a-kind event in Canadian/U.S. history. He spent a good portion of his life living in the area, thinking about the narrative, researching, interviewing participants, and exploring the stampede routes. His knowledge of the four year period, stampede, and area were perhaps unique; and it shows in his portrayal of the colorful characters, the hardships endured, the geography, and the exact chronology of events. He has painted a most complete history of this brief, intense period. And because he was able to interview several dozen actual participants (sourdoughs), his expertise can never be duplicated.Pierre Berton was born in Whitehorse, Y.T. in 1920 and spent his early childhood in Dawson. His father participated in the stampede as a very young man and his mother came north to teach school only a couple of years after the rush. Berton literally played on and around the abandoned equipment, old saloons, and mining claims of the actual Gold Rush. As an Alaskan, I am familiar with the places, names, and major events of the Gold Rush and I think Berton is pretty much spot on in this historical account. If you are interested in the history of the Canadian NW/Alaska you won't want to miss this book!

I couldn't even tell you what drew me to this book a few years ago at a book store closing sale. But - what a find! I want to read more by Pierre Berton. While he does give incredible detail about about the ways and means of participating in a gold rush, but it's more than that. He covers everything from the mindset to the frontier spirit needed to participate, and the impact of hundreds of thousands of people having that midset at spirit at the same time on society, culture and civilization. In the end, he goes into something that resonated with me completely; life really is about the journey, not the destination.

Do You like book Klondike: The Last Great Gold Rush, 1896-1899 (2015)?

I wavered between three and four stars for this one. Each paragraph of this book could easily have been developed into an entire book of its own. If you are in the mood to follow along on this grand sweeping epic then you'll think of this book as a four star, and perhaps a five, just for its incredible wealth of information, but if ever you want to pause, get to know someone a little better, or better understand any number of social, economic, historic, geographic, or other point you may become a little frustrated. A great book, sometimes breathtaking, sometimes infuriating.
—Krister Swartz

This was the first book of history written by Pierre Berton. He wrote many books afterwards but never quite attained the same level as he did in this one. Berton grew up in the Klondike listening to stories from those who had lived through the crazy Gold Rush. Perhaps for this reason, writes about the Klondike Rush with the same fluidity and ease with which a fish swims. Berton describes the men of the Gold Rush with a breathtaking vividness and passion. It is a great speculation on the madness and passion for Gold.
—Czarny Pies

At the end of the nineteenth century, a ship entered Seattle harbour, carrying the vanguard of prospectors from the far north, who were bringing out a fortune in gold. The newspapers spread the news: the ship had carried a million dollars in gold...a new strike on the Klondike River.Well, they were wrong. There had been near $2 million in gold on that ship! People the world over went mad! They flocked by the tens of thousands to pan for gold on the tributaries of the Yukon River. A lot of them didn’t even know that the Klondike was in Canada...many people still don’t! And they certainly had no idea of the brutal conditions they would meet with in the Canadian north.Berton, who grew up in the Yukon himself, tells the story as no one else can. Few of the people who dashed to the north actually made it to the gold fields, and by the time they got there, the richest claims had long been snapped up, so fewer still struck it rich. The Klondike Gold Rush lasted only 3 years...but what a ride it was! Fortunes were made and lost by some of the most eccentric characters you'll ever find in print.Berton was one of Canada's best writers, and this is definitely one of his finest books.
—Wendy Bertsch

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