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L'étreinte Des Ténèbres (2012)

L'étreinte des ténèbres (2012)

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4.21 of 5 Votes: 2
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2811206701 (ISBN13: 9782811206703)

About book L'étreinte Des Ténèbres (2012)

Possibly the best in the series so far. It was refreshing to read about the heroine being a strong character without being abrasive, as many authors seem to think the female lead needs to be rude to the point of being cruel to be considered tough. Kira was an independent intelligent and tough female lead with a caring softer side which made her so very likeable. All the characters to date have been a pleasure to read about. I can't wait to find out what is in store for them next While I have to admit this is not my favourite of the Night huntress books it still deserves at least 4.5 stars. I have always been interested in Mencheres and his story did not disappoint. I also REALLY appreciated Kira. Don't get me wrong, I love Cat's kickass abilities and attitude, but it was so nice to see a female lead that didn't come from the overused baddass mold. Kira is strong in a completely different way and it was quite refreshing. I agree the ending was awfully abrupt and there were a few ends that could have used some tying up, but overall I decided to give the 5 star rating because it is still a great addition to the Night Huntress world.

Do You like book L'étreinte Des Ténèbres (2012)?

Possibly the best in the series so far. It was refreshing to read about the heroine being a strong character without being abrasive, as many authors seem to think the female lead needs to be rude to the point of being cruel to be considered tough. Kira was an independent intelligent and tough female lead with a caring softer side which made her so very likeable. All the characters to date have been a pleasure to read about. I can't wait to find out what is in store for them next

This book felt like a roller coaster, at times I wanted to get off the ride others I wanted it to go faster. I really liked the thunder mountain part as I have been going to Disney a lot lately and it just tied in with my imagination. In the end this book was just meh for me. It read the way I expected it to and I was able to put it down so my husband didn't feel that my books were more important than him.

Have a newfound admiration for stiff and proper, Mencheres. Loved him and Kira!

3.75 starsGood story line. What's with the abrupt ending?

This was a re-read

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