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Mountain Echoes (Luna) (2013)

Mountain Echoes (Luna) (2013)

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About book Mountain Echoes (Luna) (2013)

I thought this was the last of the Walker Paper instalments, but it looks like there's still one more to go - YAY! I totally was not ready to leave the world of Jo, Gary, Morrison and the general Urban Shamanverse.This instalment had Jo going back to her Cherokee roots (physically, spiritually and geographically) and at last she started directly fighting back against the Big Bad that's been gradually appearing over the past 7 books.Yet again, I loved spending time with these characters. And I love who Jo's become as a person - her self awareness and self development over the course of the series has been phenomenal. My heart broke for her at several points in the story, and yet, I loved the point that even when she was down, she was NEVER out.Just a word of caution: I like Morrisson as he appears in this instalment, but he is a COMPLETELY different character compared to who he's been for the previous books. I get why that is - we're seeing these books through Jo's eyes, and he's occupying a different role now than he has been up to this point. It makes sense and it's consistent... and yet. The Morrisson of this instalment is NOT the Morrisson we've seen up till now. I like who he is here, but I can see it throwing some readers for a loop.And there are all the geeky fandom references a fangirl like me could possibly want (from the point where Jo is lamenting her lack of resources and wishing for "a holocaust cloak and a wheelbarrow", to the point where time travel is discussed, and she's talking her spirit animals' powers as "Raven's smart, Rattler's fast... and Renee's all wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey")Basically, I loved this book SO HARD.I can't believe the next one is the end (but at least there's one more now!) This was such an absolutely hog heaven fun-filled crazy joy ride to read - I laughed, I cried, I giggle-snorted pure jubilation. I remember reading the first book in this series (more than a few many years ago) and while I liked it, it was a little slow for me. Murphy's writing has continued to get better over the course of the books, though, and her pacing and storytelling overall has just gotten better and better. (Much like Jim Butcher's Dresden Files... some authors just do that and it's wowzers for me.) The characters here are great, the story and action was uber-cool, and the sweetness of Morrison is just aww-shucky-darn-delish. Loved, loved, so happy to have read this book!

Do You like book Mountain Echoes (Luna) (2013)?

Series gets better with every book! Loved the Princess Bride reference (I think it was on page 99)

well, i like the personal stuff, but the magic....

Bummed that the next book is the last

Simply...WOW! and MORE!

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